Sunday, July 3, 2016

Life's Update #2

     Wow! It has been a little more than eight months since I picked up roots in Colorado and moved to Arkansas. It definitely has been a change for me. As many of you know that when I moved down here I had to leave my job at Walmart due to no store down here had any openings or had the hours to give me so that I could transfer stores. But in a way that was a good thing due to the fact that one I wasn't happy working for Walmart any more and two like four months after I moved down here all the stores I tried to transfer to closed down and the buildings they were in were sold. Anyway, I had started working for Tyson Food in January and for the most part it hasn't been to bad.
     Back in the end of April early part of May I had been bite by a brown recluse spider on my right forearm area and had to miss a week of work so that nothing serious happened to me and my health and also so that I didn't potentially contaminate the raw chicken I have to work with. But lucky enough the spot where I was bite is now healed up and of course I have a "nice" looking scar on my arm from it. Gotta love when you have injuries that leave scars like that.
    Also as a lot of you know, I am no longer a blonde- well technically I am still a blonde, naturally, but still. I am now a red head and I can say that I actually like being a red head. It seems to suit me better then being a blonde.
     Well I guess you all are up to date on how things have been with me. Hopefully I hear from a lot of you here in the next couple weeks or so. I love you all and miss all my Colorado friends. Keep in contact all of you.
      Much Love Always!

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