Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How time flies

    Wow, how time flies around here. It seems like just yesterday that we were leaving 2014 behind and welcoming 2015 with open arms. Now we are inching closer to saying goodbye to this year and welcoming another year.

     So much has happened throughout the year for all of us. The things that definitely have stuck in my mind that have happened across the U.S. are definitely the sad moments, of all the shootings and attacks that went on. Makes you wonder sometimes what goes through those peoples minds that causes them to act upon such violence, but I guess we may never know that. I know the one thing that truly hits home is hearing that the Aurora theater shooter had been found guilty of taking the lives of 12 innocent people and wounding 70 others. It was a relief to hear that news. What things do you remember that hit you the most?
     Personally, so much has happened as well. The end of January I moved into a new home with a friend and spent nine months there. Then the end of October I really did a drastic change (as some might say), I moved 800 miles away from the place I once called home to a small town in the northwest corner of Arkansas. As many of my closest friends know that moving in with a friend and out of my "parents" house was definitely a change for me, but to move 800 miles away from the place I use to call home was a real change for me. I am surely glad that I had made that move to be closer to the ones I love. I know that I will continue to love this small town life and that the Lord will show me things that I never thought possible. This year has brought a lot of new twist and turns into my life that I don't think I will ever be able to figure out and that I know I wouldn't want to change. The Lord has done so much for me, that I can't wait to see what comes next in this journey of mine and to see what else the Lord has in store for me and where he leads me.
    May this next month bring many joys to you all and that the Lord shows you many things that change your lives for the better. Welcome December and the holidays to come. Love you all with all my heart.

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